Castling Wiki
Castling Wiki
All data and mechanism are now under testing, do not represent the final effect
Icon Name AI Uint Buy Sell Weight% Layer Reduce death% Detectability Speed Modifier Last  Layer PS (Unless it Specify, ALL Empty Wearable only the hit% reduce(hit_success_probability) effect is active, other effect will not active, but empty wearable wont consumed) File Name Key
Code:Cyclops-Brontes Cyclops-ar, Cyclops-ar-g 0 0 0 5 0.6 4-1=0.05 0.1 NA first layer hit death to none, second layer hit death to stun, reast of the layers can be hit death kcco_ar.carry_item
Code:Cyclops-Sterops Cyclops-sg 0 0 0 6 0.6 0.8 -0.1 NA First 2 layers hit/blast death to none. First 3 layers Immune to melee damage. Reast of the layer Blast death to stun kcco_sg.carry_item
KCCO Project106 Cerynitis 0 0 0 5 0.6 0 0.1 NA At second last layer can be hit death. Blast/melee death to none all time kcco_cet.carry_item
Code:Dactyl Dactyl 0 0 0 3 0 -0.1 0.35/0.25/0.15 NA NA kcco_boom.carry_item
Code:Hydra Hydra, TeslaTrooper 0 0 0 20 20-13=1.3/12-11=1.2/10-5=1.1/4-1=1 0.6 4-3=-0.1/-0.2/-0.1 NA Detectability apply all tim. Immune to melee damage. At Layers 3 can by kill by hit death kcco_qwd.carry_item