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Castling Wiki


How Hotkey works[]

By binding a series of commands on certain keys, you can input certain text into the chatbox rapidly while playing. It can help you use certain skill, or communicate with your teammates easier.

How to set Hotkeys[]

In RWR, the hotkeys need to be set manually.

Initially, you need to open the folder where configure files exists. The typical value is given below.

Windows: C:\User\username\AppData\Roaming\Running with rifles\
Mac: ~/User/Library/Application Support/RunningWithRifles
Linux: $HOME/.running_with_rifles

Then, create a new file called hotkeys.xml. And add the following lines.

       <hotkey index="0" text="enter here text for Hotkey 1" />
       <hotkey index="1" text="enter here text for Hotkey 2" />
       <hotkey index="2" text="enter here text for Hotkey 3" />
       <hotkey index="3" text="enter here text for Hotkey 4" />
       <hotkey index="4" text="enter here text for Hotkey 5" />
       <hotkey index="5" text="enter here text for Hotkey 6" />
       <hotkey index="6" text="enter here text for Hotkey 7" />
       <hotkey index="7" text="enter here text for Hotkey 8" />
       <hotkey index="8" text="enter here text for Hotkey 9" />
       <hotkey index="9" text="enter here text for Hotkey 10" />

Parameter text is a string. Meaning the sentence or command you would like to send.

Parameter index is a integer ranges from 0 to 9. Referring to the hotkey 1-10 in game.

Save the file after finish editing and enter the game. Go to option and set the hotkey 1 to 10. Hotkeys should be available now.

Here is a example of hotkeys.xml

