Castling Wiki
Castling Wiki
All data and mechanism are now under testing, do not represent the final effect
Types Icon Name Buy Sell Weight% Layer Hit% Reduce Detectability Speed Modifier Last  Layer Empty Wearable Hit% Reduce PS (Unless it Specify, ALL Empty Wearable only the hit% reduce(hit_success_probability) effect is active, other effect will not active, but empty wearable wont consumed) File Name Key
Ballistic Plate HFBLS Mk.II 20 20 5 4 0.9 0.1 -0.15 Death to wounded 0.5 Unless at last layer/empty of the wearable,  wont be injured or stunned by the melee damage bp_t2.carry_item
HFBLS Mk.III 30 30 5 5 1.0 0.1 -0.15 Death to wounded 0.5 Unless at last layer/empty of the wearable,  wont be injured or stunned by the melee damage bp_t3.carry_item
HFBLS Mk.IV 50 50 5 8 1.2 0.1 -0.15 Death to wounded 0.5 Unless at last layer/empty of the wearable,  wont be injured or stunned by the melee damage bp_t4.carry_item
16LAB C-HFBLS 50 50 5 12 1.1 0.1 -0.05 Death to wounded 0.6 -0.15 speed modifier on the last layers. bp_t5_16lab.carry_item bp_t5_16lab.carry_item
Camo Cape Optical camouflage cloak Mk.I 1 1 3 1 0.8 -0.15 0 NA NA Single layer, No blast/hit/melee damage resist effect cc_t1.carry_item
Optical camouflage cloak Mk.II 5 5 3 2 0.8 -0.2 0 Death to wounded 0.8 No blast/melee damage resist effect, but detectability still apply cc_t2.carry_item
Optical camouflage cloak Mk.III 10 10 3 2 0 -0.3 0 Death to wounded 0 No blast/melee damage resist effect, but detectability still apply cc_t3.carry_item
Optical camouflage cloak Mk.IV 30 30 3 2 0.8 -0.4 0 Death to wounded 0.8 No blast/melee damage resist effect, but detectability still apply cc_t4.carry_item
16LAB Special optical camouflage cloak 30 30 3 5 0.8 -0.5 0.15 Death to wounded 0.8 No blast/melee damage resist effect, but detectability still apply cc_t5_16lab.carry_item cc_t5_16lab.carry_item
Digital camouflage cloak 80 80 3 5 0.8 -0.45 0.2 Death to wounded 0.8 No blast/melee damage resist effect, but detectability still apply

Add Cape to SV98 Mod 3 model

Exoskeleton Standard Exo Mk.I 1 1 4 2 0.6 0 0.1 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned; Epty wearable Speed Modifier=0.1 exo_t1.carry_item
Standard Exo Mk.II 5 5 4 3 0.7 0 0.15 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned exo_t2.carry_item
Standard Exo Mk.III 10 10 4 4 0.8 0 0.17 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned exo_t3.carry_item
Standard Exo Mk.IV 30 30 4 6 1.0 0 0.25 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned exo_t4.carry_item
16LAB Refined Standard Exo 35 35 4 6 1.0 0 0.25 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned; Epty wearable Speed Modifier=0.3 exo_t5_16lab.carry_item exo_t5_16lab.carry_item
Custom Exoskeletal Armor 35 35 4 6 1.2 0 0.12 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned

Add Exoskeleton to M16a1 model

exo_m16_only.carry_item arm_m16a1.carry_item
Thompson Exoskeleton 35 35 4 6 0.7/0.7/0,7/0.6/0.6/0.6 0 0.45 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned

Add Exoskeleton to Thompson model

thompson_only.carry_item arm_exo_thompson.carry_item
UMP UX Exo 35 35 4 6 0.7/0.7/0,7/0.6/0.6/0.6 0 0.45 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned

Add Exoskeleton to UMP40,UMP9(Mod3),UMP45(Mod3) model

exo_ump_only.carry_item arm_ump.carry_item
Pet Keychain 35 35 4 6 0.7/0.7/0,7/0.6/0.6/0.6 0 0.45 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned

Add Keychain to RO635 Mod 3 model

ro_only.carry_item arm_ro635.carry_item
GSG UX EXO 35 35 4 6 0.7/0.7/0,7/0.6/0.6/0.6 0 0.45 Death to wounded 0 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned

Add Exoskeleton to MP5 model

exo_mp5_only.carry_item arm_exo_mp5.carry_item
IDW-chip 80 80 4 6 1.0 0 0.25 Death to wounded 0.5 Unless at last layer of the wearable, melee damage only will do stunned

Add headset to IDW Mod 3 model

Lightweight High-output Exo Mk.I 1 1 4 1 0.8 -0.1 0.2 NA 0 Single layer, No blast/hit/melee damage resist effect exo_x_t1.carry_item
Lightweight High-output Exo Mk.II 5 5 4 1 0.9 -0.13 0.3 NA 0 Single layer, No blast/hit/melee damage resist effect exo_x_t2.carry_item
Lightweight High-output Exo Mk.III 10 10 4 1 1.0 -0.15 0.4 NA 0 Single layer, No blast/hit/melee damage resist effect exo_x_t3.carry_item
Lightweight High-output Exo Mk.IV 25 25 4 1 1.0 -0.18 0.5 NA 0 Single layer, No blast/hit/melee damage resist effect exo_x_t4.carry_item
Skin&Other costume, santa 200 200 3 1 0.0 1.0 0 Death to wounded 0 Single layer, detectability still apply costume_santa.carry_item costume_santa.carry_item
Kalina 5/5 150 150 4 5 1.0 0 0.25 Wont be injured or stunned by the blast/hit damage

Immune to melee damage

0.9 Epty wearable Speed Modifier=0.2 kalina.carry_item kalina.carry_item
Thank you——Robin 30 30 4 5 1.0 0 0.25 blast/hit Death to wounded

Immune to melee damage

1.0 last layer of the wearable, wont be injured or stunned by the Hit/Blast Damage, but will stunned by melee damage. Epty wearable hit% reduce=1, Speed Modifier=0.25. Every time loes one layer it will also loes one letter at the end of the name eg Robin > Robi machlian.carry_item
Gentiane 150 150 4 9 1 -0.05 0.35 blast/hit Death to wounded 0.6 Epty wearable Speed Modifier=0.25 gentiane.carry_item gentiane.carry_item
Story time 5/5 35 35 4 5 1/0.98/0.96/0.94/0.92 0 0.3/0.26/0.27/0.28/0.29 Death to wounded 0 m1903_cafe.carry_item m1903.carry_item
……See you in the new world 35 35 4 5 1/0.98/0.96/0.94/0.92 0 0.3/0.26/0.27/0.28/0.27 Death to wounded 0 Epty wearable Speed Modifier=0.25

Ept wearable Detectability Modifier =-0.15

light.carry_item light.carry_item
What can I serve you? 35 35 4 9 1 -0.05 0.35 Death to wounded 0 Epty wearable Speed Modifier=0.25

Ept wearable Detectability Modifier =-0.15

jill.carry_item jill.carry_item
Too outrageous 35 35 4 5 1/0.98/0.96/0.94/0.92 0 0.3/0.26/0.27/0.28/0.27 Death to wounded 0 Epty wearable Speed Modifier=0.25

Ept wearable Detectability Modifier =-0.15

nz75.carry_item NZ75.carry_item
Little angel 40 40 3 2 0.8 -0.4 0.05 when not damage Wont be injured or stunned by the blast/hit damage

Immune to melee damage

0.8 Ept wearable Detectability Modifier =-0.40 woshieoe.carry_item woshieoe.carry_item
[Protective Armour] 50 50 5 12 1.1 0 0.05 when not damage

-0.15 when at 1/8

Death to wounded 0.5 k309.carry_item K309.carry_item
Kalina-[Lover's Discourse] 35 35 4 9 1 -0.5 0.35 Death to wounded 0.6 Epty wearable Speed Modifier=0.25

Ept wearable Detectability Modifier =-0.15

iaqs.carry_item IAQS.carry_item
Manticore 0 0 100 15 15-13=1.75/12-10=1.7/9-8=1.65/7-5=1.3/4-1=1.2
0.6 15-4=0/3/1=-0.1 Immune to melee damage NA detectability apply all, No empty wearable, Immune to melee damage ff_gk_qwd.carry_item ff_qwd.carry_item
NA Task Force Defy Advanced Exo 6/6 500 500 8 6 1.2 -0.3 0.3 Melee damage death to wounded 0.6 Ept wearable Detectability Modifier =-0.6 exo_AK12_defy.carry_item exo_AK12_defy.carry_item
Punch it! 1 1 0 22 1.2 5 -3.1 - - Unless at last layer/empty of the wearable, Immune to melee damage target.carry_item